Membership Benefits

  • TRIPS- usually 4 trips offered per year!
  • ​Discount Ski Passes!
  • ​An ESC membership also includes membership in the Cleveland Metro and Western PA Ski Councils with access to any trip or activity offered by any of the member clubs.
  • The Erie Ski Club Race Team
  • ​A monthly newsletter- The Lift Line- chock full of news and information e-mailed directly to you
  • ​Off season activities like biking, hiking, canoe & kayaking trips, horseback rides, summer happy hours at selected sites!
  • ​We are a Four Season Fun and Activity Club!!

Membership Renewal Special

Bring in a NEW Member and you will     get $5 Off your Membership Renewal!!

​Erie Ski Club members get a $10 discount off Peek N Peak passes if purchased through  The Erie Ski Club before Nov 5. Members can bring the forms to the meeting at the Plymouth Tavern on Monday November 5. If you can't make the meeting please contact Lisa Gomersall:

About Us

Peek N Peak Passes Special
It all started over 40 years ago and we are still carrying on the tradition of skiing fun!

We are dedicated to skiing, fitness and the outdoor life. Our purpose is to encourage and promote the participation and enjoyment in snow skiing and related snow sports. Our club thrives on its members participation in trips in the USA, Canada, and abroad. In addition, we also offer discount passes to local ski areas.

Even in the off season you will find us enjoying golf outings, picnics, horseback riding, and cycling!

So what are you waiting for? Become a member today!